
Building Materials Products After-Sales

Our company has a complete after-sales service system, and you can enjoy one-to-one professional after-sales service after purchasing building materials. Our after-sales service department specializes in solving a series of problems encountered in the post-production use of building materials for customers. According to different sales channels, the way to obtain after-sales service of our products is also different.

Purchased from our company

If you purchase building materials directly from our company, please contact our sales staff directly to inquire about the after-sales service terms. You may need to provide the order number and contact information so that our staff can contact you in time. Or you can feedback (Feedback Link) questions to our company, our staff will reply you within 24 hours.

Brought from my agents

If you purchased our building materials from our agent, please contact our agent to inquire about the after-sales service terms. Our agent will handle the problem. Or you can feedback (Feedback Link) questions to our company, our staff will reply you within 24 hours.

Online store order

If you purchased our products on our online store, non-customized accessories can be returned for you within 7 days from the date of receipt due to product quality problems. For customized products, you need to submit an application form online according to the corresponding process. Or you can feedback (Feedback Link) questions to our company, our staff will reply you within 24 hours.

Purchased from e-commerce company

Our company has a complete after-sales service system, and you can enjoy one-to-one professional after-sales service after purchasing building materials. Our after-sales service department specializes in solving a series of problems encountered in the post-production use of building materials for customers. According to different sales channels, the way to obtain after-sales service of our products is also different.

Providing Building Materials For Residential Project

If you have purchased our products on e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Ebay, Wish, JD, TAOTAO, Aliexpress HDgate Shopee Lazada Facebook, etc., you need to contact the merchant you purchased to coordinate specific after-sales service.

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  • whatsapp-William
  • Whatsapp-Andrew
  • web-whatsapp-William
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  • Skype-William